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Hi,I am develloping a system using the motor control sdk. I am usiung the ‎STSPIN32F0‎ chip and the following software versions:This module only has one ADC peripheral and I need to use it in my application. Looking around, I have found that the Regu...
I'm currently trying to spin a motor using the STEVAL_SPIN3201 and the motor control workbench and when I add a small load I get the overcurrent fault. After some research in the source code I realised that the OCCOMP was indeed overcurrenting with t...
Hi, I read in the Data Brief of the STEVAL-SPIN3201 module that it can ouput up to 15 Arms of current but I can't find in the schematic why that it. The mosfet used on the board (STD140N6F7) seems capable of higher current output.We want to port the ...
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