I have a custom board with LSM6DSV16XTR connected to SPI2. The configuration was created by CubeMX 6.11.1 and now used in CubeIDE 1.15.1 Now, I am wondering how to use the functions in lsm6dsv16x.c ? Do I have to initialize an object of type LSM6DSV1...
Any idea to examine / evaluate the trx files from TraceX (from ThreadX / Azure RTOS) on Linux? wine TraceX.exe reports "...System.UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed..." and does not work. Maybe, anybody has written an p...
Is it possible to use the awesome MDF and/or ADF on STM32U5 with input data from RAM? I have not found any configuration for BSMX for this. One use case is an high performance external delta-sigma-demodulator (ADC) on SPI with proprietary data format...
Is USART1 on APB1 (AN5593, tab.17) or APB2 (DS, RM, CubeMX) and USART2 on APB1 (DS, RM, CubeMX) or APB2 (AN5593, tab.17)? Guess, there is an issue in an5593-how-to-use-the-gpdma-for-stm32u5-series-microcontrollers-stmicroelectronics Rv.4 , isn‘t it?
When code for LINKEDLIST for STM32U575 will be generated (linked_list.c) with STM32CubeMX 6.9.2 several lines are missing. In the attached ioc file (which is only for illustrating the effect) the commands for e.g. setting DMA_DEST_DATAWIDTH_BYTE are ...
Hi Andrei,It works when in "LINKEDLIST Mode and Configuration" all entries are sorted according "Data Width", beginning with "Byte" then "Half Word" and so forth. There are small buttons "Move down" and "Move up" at the bottom.Unfortunately it is not...
Hello Pierre,My question is how to provide input data from RAM for MDF and/or ADF? The DFSDM block at STM32F7 for instance has 'parallel input data registers'. What are the corresponding registers at MDF and ADF or what is a proper configuration for ...