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Hello,I am working with the SDMMC peripheral on a STM32L4S9 chip to interface with an SD card on a custom board using the HAL SD card driver. I am performing reads and writes using `HAL_SD_WriteBlocks` and `HAL_SD_ReadBlocks`. Everything is working w...
Hello,I am using STM32L4S9 and the datasheet mentions the LSI is 32khz. Is this 32000hz or 32768hz? Best,Jeff
Hello,I have developed an application which can dynamically detect source capabilities by reading the capabilities soon after a PD charger is plugged in. In order to renegotiate with the new PDO, I currently must issue a reset by writing to the RESET...
I am interested in the UCPD peripheral built in to the STM32G431. However, I noticed that the software support for the peripheral requires FreeRTOS. Does anyone know of any support (or planned support) for the UCPD peripheral that does not require an...
When using the command line version of STM32CubeProgrammer, I notice during the verification process (-v flag), the progress bar follows a sequence like 6%->12%->18%->24%-18%->24%... and ends at 24%, with a successful verification. Picture provided f...