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I am developing a project to take some measurements with ADC channels, however the values are wrong. When I connect any ADC channel direct to GND, it gives me a value about 60~80 (The ADCs are 12-bit precision) and this error propagates for any readi...
I am developing my own driver for a STM32 MCU, however I always get the same error when I try to compile the code. Here is the entire code from all the files I developed.There are always 8 errors, saying that pGPIOA, pGPIOB, pGPIOC, pGPIOD, pGPIOE , ...
I am developing a STM32 project with STM32G030K6T6 ADC channels but when I start setting the MCU, it allows only 8 ADC convertions (the datasheet describes there are 12 and the system configuration allows to add up to 12 channels) . However, I need a...