I would like give som update before closing the subject. I have made few mistakes in my code. First of all in void GPIO_Init pGPIOHandle->pGPIOx->MODER &= ~(0x3<<pGPIOHandle->GPIO_PinConfig.GPIO_PinNumber);was not right. I had to write :pGPIOHandle->...
Thank you for your answer. Yes it gives me more ideas. I think I should test them when I am more experienced with C. Currently I am following a tutorial. What is ASM generated code ? Is it the code generated by Stm32CubeIde (the one I use).You gave m...
Thank you for your answer :) But to be honnest with you, I am a total beginner in C as well as in Programming microcontrollers . My purpose is only to adapt the code of a tutorial I have watched in order to make it work on my board. When I will be mo...