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I want to use a blueNRG to avoid the cost of bluetooth SIG registration, because I would be able to cover the cost with my product. In addition I want to use ​similar to nordic semiconductor a uart ble emulation as service (https://infocenter.nordic...
I design a custom board including a stm32wb15ccu where I want to use the I2C bus. I have for SDA and SCL 10k pull up resistors. However when launching i2c the signal of SDA and SCL remain at 3.3V, no bus signal. Hence I could not communicate between ...
I currently need a simple string to double/float function. For this I use atof() or strtod(). However whenever I call these functions the BLE advertisement stops and I cannot further connect to the WB.Does someone have the same problem?
@I'm trying to add a descriptor to my BLE characteristic.#define COPY_DESC_UUID(uuid_struct) COPY_UUID_128(uuid_struct,0x00,0x00,0x29,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x10,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x5f,0x9b,0x34,0xfb)     COPY_DESC_UUID(uuid.Char_UUID_128);   u...
My biggest issue currently is on my external app which is connecting to the WB that it cannot get the descriptor.As I debug using BLE using LightBlue there is no descriptor in my characteristic. As I notice recently by reading again the manual there ...
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