I want to use a blueNRG to avoid the cost of bluetooth SIG registration, because I would be able to cover the cost with my product. In addition I want to use similar to nordic semiconductor a uart ble emulation as service (https://infocenter.nordic...
I design a custom board including a stm32wb15ccu where I want to use the I2C bus. I have for SDA and SCL 10k pull up resistors. However when launching i2c the signal of SDA and SCL remain at 3.3V, no bus signal. Hence I could not communicate between ...
I currently need a simple string to double/float function. For this I use atof() or strtod(). However whenever I call these functions the BLE advertisement stops and I cannot further connect to the WB.Does someone have the same problem?
@I'm trying to add a descriptor to my BLE characteristic.#define COPY_DESC_UUID(uuid_struct) COPY_UUID_128(uuid_struct,0x00,0x00,0x29,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x10,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x5f,0x9b,0x34,0xfb)
My biggest issue currently is on my external app which is connecting to the WB that it cannot get the descriptor.As I debug using BLE using LightBlue there is no descriptor in my characteristic. As I notice recently by reading again the manual there ...
So first I would check following points:Is the stack up to date?Do use string to float conversion or vice versa, if yes comment them temporarily outDouble check in the header if code generator set the correct valuesCFG_BLE_ATT_VALUE_ARRAY_SIZE = 1290...
After sime further try and error I could run the advertising and the FPU by setting the runtime library to standard C. The question now why is this so?
I checked the FPU the hardware one is enabled by default. I tried the software one but doesn't work either. It seems that there is a mismatch between the RF Core and the Application Core. Is the Stack binary compiled with floating point flag? Actual...
I did stop the debugger multiple times, but no error handler was triggered, and the code seems to run nominally. I also have similar this kind of issue when enabling the flag to print float in string using sprintf. I use a wb15cc I think it has a...
For all who struggle as me with the CCCD. The WBs provide thr 2902 desciptor by default. No extra code needed.Would be however good to know why my memory always ran out.