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Hello,We are currently facing issues using cipher suites that use AES-GCM in conjunction with the Secure Manager.Our understanding is that in order to make use of Secure Manager functionalities, we should use PSA APIs, however they currently only imp...
Hello,I have been trying to connect my STM32H573I-DK to our web server for some time now, unsuccessfully.I am basing my secure application on the X-CUBE-AZURE-H5 Expansion Package project.I can successfully run the example and connect (and publish) t...
Hello,I have a B-U585I-IOT02A board and was trying out the TFM Application example from STM32Cube_FW_U5_V1.2.0.After flashing the firmware as instructed, I could successfully run the test application. However, after re-connecting the board, I now get...
Hello,is there any example of a TFM application that is supported by STM32CubeIDE?I came across the iot-reference-stm32u5, but the structure of the project is way different from any other TrustZone and TFM examples available as part of the STM32CubeU...
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