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my mcu is STM32F730R8Txsensor: LSM9DS1use CubeMx gen code, with Makefile(under linux env)I use lsm9ds1_reg.c as sensor driver fetch raw data, and it worked fine.then, do the following as MotionFX lib documents:MotionFX_initialize()MotionFX_getKnobs(&...
most of X-CUBE-MEMS1 lib said :"This library is intended to work with ST MEMS only."It is true? i'm use LSM9DS1 that not supported by X-CUBE_MEMS1.So, Can i Use X-CUBE_mems lib for this sensor(or even not ST sensor?)Thank you!
on my board, the voltage on Pin21/ 24 are ~ 0.002v after power-up, it that correct ?here is my schema: Thank you very much!
i'm a linux user, so i use cubeMX gen a code framework with project type: Makefilesnow, i try to use x-mems lib, the makefile is miss a ":" that lead "make" command error.after add the colon, seems goodFYI
also where is 9 axis fusion demo code?
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