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I am developing an application using an STUSB4500 and an external MCU STM32G031K8 that should be able to read USB PD Source capabilities and allow the user to dynamically set custom PDOs.I have based the majority of my code off of the example softwar...
After getting help setting up a basic USB-C sink application in this thread, I can successfully detect cable attach/detach events through the relevant callbacks installed via ST USBPD API -- but only for a single cable orientation. The UCPD1 interrup...
I purchased a NUCLEO-G431KB to begin and test firmware development of my project, using the latest STM32CubeIDE with the STM32Cube_FW_G4_V1.1.0 library BSP.Following several USBPD library examples of a sink application -- and some considerable config...