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Hello All,We are using STM32h7A3 microcontroller in our project. When we dump the simple uart code and reset , it is giving the results until power off condition. After power off condition , ST link unable to detect the MCU until erase FLash and down...
Hello Sir/Madam, We are validating STEVAL-BFA001V1B on motor for condition monitoring. Motor is rotating with 1500 RPM speed , when I observe the FFT results , rotating frequency 1X is coming around 26Hz when my settings are ODR- 6660Hz (also with 3...
Hello , We are interfacing Analog Accelerometer with STM32f469. Attached here ADC interface hardware and ADC firmware (configuration) for your reference . Problem is Accuracy with ADC values. The ADC values are varying approximately 30mV . Can anyone...