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The Escape key was mapped to 0x00 in the USB HID code, I added it and it works fine but I'm curious to know why it was absent?  Bug/oversight, another method used for Escape key detection?  #ifdef QWERTY_KEYBOARD static const uint8_t HID_KEYBRD_Ke...
I'd like to use both of the Synopsis USB controllers on the STM32H743VIT6, one as device, one as host, but to do that I understand that the other USB controller is accessed through the USB HS device, which is disabled because of the use of LTDC.Curre...
Can you see the glaring bug, or is it?  I left a clue *** some fail returns do not unlock HAL  HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint16_t DevAddress, uint16_t MemAddress, uint16_t MemAddS...
I added a Linked Resource and tested it on an include line, although the path is the same, it fails.I have zero idea why, does it need another syntax?Path variable:-> REPOSITORY_LOC set as C:\Users\Dev\STM32Cube\RepositoryWith GCC Copiler Include Pat...
I recently tried to copy a project developed in the STM32Cube IDE to another laptop, but of course the repository is in user space, and the other machine has a different username, so there were scores of link errors.Other than tediously changing all ...