User Activity

i want support for how to connect both board with each other. i want supporting document for it.i want examples to learn about them.
From where i can find the size of memory address size ?i want to find generic approach to find size of memory address to write and read .So in which section it get mentioned inside datasheet or user manual?
i read data sheet of lis2dh and lis3mdl. i am using st linux driver to read raw data of accelerometer and magnetometer. Now when i set sampling frequency 1600 for accelerometer i get data of x axis at 40 ms. when i set sampling frequency 80 for ma...
I am using st25dv04k. when i am using NFC_IO_WriteReg16() it return error no 6. when i am using it print below message:NFC_IO_WriteReg16(ae,0,7edbfb66,1)Error -6 while writing @0 (devAddr=AE)How to resolve this issue ?int32_t NFC_IO_ReadReg16(uint16...
my setup is st25dv04k connected with tag on instrument A. cr95hf connected with instrument B. when instrument A comes near to instrument B. i want to confirm that instrument be successfully message in a tag [ which connected to instrument A].on succe...