User Activity

Everything seems to work fine in putty except the join, but the signal is not received by TTN, while it is received when i use v1.1.2 ( I changed the devEUI, appEUI and appKey.
While connecting the B-L072Z-LRWAN1 to TTN with lora i-cube_irwan endnote and changing the AppEui and Appkey gives a never seen status at TTN. Putty perfectely shows the Version, OTAA, devEui, AppEui and AppKey but does not show the join. How can i...
I am busy with the muRata module and sixfox on the discovery kit STM32L072. When i want to copy a bin file to the the board as external drive it gives a not enough space error. The total size of the disk is only 32 kb, while the documentation says th...