User Activity

The running thread runs vTaskDelay() as it did on the F4. It does not help. Adjusting thread priorities has little effect. Other threads (all started with higher priorities) should have plenty of opportunity to run but almost never do. It all ran...
The F4 board worked fine doing UART DMA. I start to regret this upgrade.Forget DMA and IT for now, just trying to get F7 polling working.First HAL_UART_Receive works, but the rest time out.Register analysis is unenlightening going by RM0385 referen...
Remedial register view help needed.I need to see DMA and UART registers, not having much luck.ron239955_stm1 referred to the i/o registers window, how is this done?From Debug Perspective, Registers View, I see only General Registers.I notice that the...
Compiling with a Release configuration seems to be correct because when connected via j-link, activating "Run" the console now prints "Starting target CPU" and "GDB closed TCP/IP connection" and the CPU starts. But disconnect SWIO and reset power an...
I feel like a complete ***** but darned if I can figure out how to do it.If I should be reading a tutorial somewhere let me know. Flames accepted gratefully.I am using Segger J-link, on a custom board. Debug configurations work fine, programming vi...
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