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st link is unable to connect with stm32f103r8 in my circuit board, while programming using keil the nrst pin becomes low when debug is applied and unable to program, but using IAR & ST link utility unable to connect to the microcontroller, board is p...
i want to create a delay function using timer TIM1 or TIM2 , after completely reading the datasheet i cannot initialize delay does it requires any external input?i have attached my sample code#include "stm32f10x.h"void delay();int main(){ /*Initialis...
Hi I am trying to write a code using STM32f103r8t6, i have installed IAR for Arm v8.40.1 i started to create a project but i could not find any library files. and then by downloading an example file i got the library files as i tried to complile i m ...