User Activity

Hello everyone,I'm using a STM32L4 in a application and the BlueNRG-LP as a BLE module in network coprocessor mode with DTM SPI. I'd like to update my main firmware through BLE OTA, a kind of Bootloader OTA. So in my main MCU, there will be this Boot...
Hello everyone,I'm working on a project with BLE technology,I have a ST-BlueNRG-LP device which is controlled by a host STM32 through HCI/ACI commands.I was wondering if it is possible to set my Host STM32 in a sleep mode while the ST-BlueNRG-LP is s...
Hello everyone,I'm working on a STM32L4 project which embeds a QSPI external Flash Memory (not yet sourced but doesn't matter).This QSPI Flash Memory would be splitted into 2 parts, one for TouchGFX Images and one for 10MB Filesystem. This FS will ha...
Hello everyone,I'm working on a new project using TouchGFX in STM32CubeIDE, I don't understand why I have include problems, especially that a file is recognized in one file and not in an other...Here is my includes : I've got these errors :What is we...
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