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I have declared a typedef struct data_t on my jsmn.h after that I declared a variable DATA of type data_t on jsmn.c and i defined N,T,C and Hthen i declared DATA of type Data_t as extern on ScreenViewBase.cppand i try to display DATA.N on the screenb...
I running an application on STM32F769 with EWARM that connect to Servers from the net and receiving data (with Net Thread) . Next i added all necessery files and a graphic Thread in main file to display the data on th lcd when i pressed on a button ....
I have configured my application in cubeMX then I execute touchgfx to generete graphic code and finally i build the project with keil but an error occured on linking "Error: L6218: Undefined symbol OTM8009A_Init (referred from stm32f769i_discovery_lc...
I am trying to run a clock demo from TouchGFX 4.10.0 Designer for my STM32F769-DISCO.But when i Run on target the detailed log shows the erroe:" there is an error occured during flash.  Please make sure you have the right target connected."PS:I am su...