User Activity

Hi, I've been using the STEVAL-MKI208V1K for a year now, without problem, but now I tried to connect the two parts using a longer cable (twice the length of the one provided with the kit). While my microcontroller says the sensor is connected, when c...
Hello ST team, I’m using the IIS3DWB (STEVAL-MKI208V1K) together with an Arduino Portenta H7. No filter added through the composite group of digital filters, only the default LPF1. Also, 2g scale resolution.When placing the sensor on a surface isolat...
Hello, I’m using the IIS3DWB with an Arduino Portenta, using a procedure similar to Kris Winer’s github (i.e. using the FIFO buffer in continuous mode, 256 watermark, stop on watermark, data ready interrupt on watermark, running various cycles until ...
Hi, regarding the STEVAL-MKI208V1K, what is the purpose of the pins CSX, SDX, OSDO and OCS?In the diagrams of the Data brief available from the web page, it can be seen that those pins actually are not coming from the IIS3DWB pins.I want to connect t...
Hi, I recently bought a STEVAL-MKI109V3 with STEVAL-MKI208V1K. My pc runs on Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS.I've installed the Unico GUI, but when selecting the STEVAL-MKI208V1K in the Unico, it says "Port not open. Please, check the board is connected."I've tri...