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Hello all, I just start a new project with STM32CubeMX v6.3.0, STM32CubeIDE v1.7.0 & STM32F103RC. When I add the SDIO @ CubeMX, the program just freeze @ MX_SDIO_SD_Init. So I go deeper & find out in function SDMMC_GetCmdResp1, SDIO_FLAG_CTIMEOUT fl...
Hi all, I am now using STM32F205 w/ STM32cubeIDE & STM32cubeMX to make a project with timers. I find that the timer seems not accuracy. So I make a test code to test it (see attached project). For short, it is just Timer_start() while(1) { if(...
Hi all, I am now working with STM32F205 ADC1 w/ code generated by STM32CubeMX. I find that ADC pin has a 0.5V output even it is unconnected (floating). I tried pin PC0 (channel 10) and PC1 (channel 11) one by one and both have the same problem. Afte...
Hi all, Just find a problem whenI trying to use STM32F205 w/ FreeRTOS CMSIS_V2. When I call f_mount in FATFS libraries, complier return "Middlewares/Third_Party/FatFs/src/option/syscall.c:65: undefined reference to `osSemaphoreCreate'". Once I go de...
Hi all, I am now using SYM32F103RE to read data from codec via I2S & write into SD card. I use the HAL library in STM32CubeMX w/ Chen's fatfs & I2S DMA. Unlucky, f_write will sometime return FR_DISK_ERR. According to fatfs, I can only f_close the fil...
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