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Am using sTM32F4 Discovery board with extension board for RS232 interface and SD card.RS232 is also using DMA and its priority is higher than that of SD card DMA channel priority. The tasks working on RS232 interface and SD card log are different to...
Hello,Am using STM32F407 (Discovery board). This is connected with a PC which is sending 100 bytes of data and realized that only 1 byte is received and remaining 99 bytes are lost. Below is the code excerpt running on STM32F407      while(1)      { ...
What does the grey filling indicate. Couldn't find any legend/detail covering this.I initially though it is the part connected to POR/VBAT circuit.. but doesn't look so.Attached image of the page.
Hi,Am using STM32CubeIDE with FreeRTOS middleware (CMSISv1). I dont see change in code generated in file stm32f4xx_hal_timebase_tim.c when I modify tick frequency to 100000 instead of the default 1000. In sys tab of configuration setting TIM8 as time...
Analysing runtime behaviour of 2 tasks on STM32 board using tracelyzer shows unexpected behaviour. Task1 is a cyclic executive which receives data over UART and processes received data to be consumed by task2. task1 is interrupt driven (indefintely b...