Well, I spoke too soon. Debugger is still broken for me too. I've successfully launched and run the debug session several times, but today I'm facing the same error as I did with 1.0.0. Once again, identical code debugs fine in TrueStudio. Edit: I ne...
Update: I installed CubeIDE 1.0.1 and had all sorts of trouble with the installers and dependencies on OpenSUSE. I didn't want to hack my way through making it work again, so I installed Fedora (30). The 1.0.1 update seems to have fixed the debugging...
Same issue here. Debugging in CubeIDE never works, with GDB quitting almost immediately, while the identical code debugs without issue in TrueStudio. It's a huge pain for the projects I've created new in CubeIDE when I have to recreate them in TrueS...