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At same time all structure fields are exists.What I do wrong?
Hello!Trying to launch SPI via DMA data transfer to LCD display. I has created "default" project via cube master.Created SPI2 for LCD display in 8bit Master Transfer Only mode.Added DMA1 Stream 0 to SPI2_TX Mem to Perif.In code I do:static uint8_t bu...
Hello!. I Have two firmwares: bootloader and application. MCU is STM32L031K6U6First launched bootloader checking backdoor pin and launching appliction or starting firmware update process. If need just start firmware all work fine (bootloader don't ch...
Hello!I'm trying to measure 3 ADC channels in DISCONT mode.I use STM32Cube initialisation code for ADC initing./* ADC init function */ void MX_ADC_Init(void) { LL_ADC_REG_InitTypeDef ADC_REG_InitStruct = {0}; LL_ADC_InitTypeDef ADC_InitStruct = {...
I'm configuring RTC AlarmA to wake up CPU from StandBy. I'am expecting to CPU became back at specified time, but it event occurs up to 16 seconds later.uint32_t time; uint32_t date; uint32_t subsec;   do { time = LL_RTC_TIME_Get(RTC); date = LL_R...