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Hi, I have a strange problem here, I configure SPI1 as Half duplex master and configure the unused MISO pin to TIM3 PWM Generation CH1. But as soon as I initialize SPI1 PWM stops working. I looked up the performance block diagram they're not even on ...
I'm trying to build a Custom HID project to mimic a certain device. I've prepared the description bytes packages and everything is working fine as long as I continuously send data. When I stop sending, device goes to LP and SUSPEND mode. I couldn't f...
Hi, I've 2 Nucleo boards (Edit: Nucleo -G431RB )to communicate between FDCAN. I create a project using CUBEMX. Default FDCAN RX/TX is PA11/PA12. and I have no problem getting it work. All worked fine. But I also need USB so I moved FDCAN Pins to PB9/...
Hello everyone,I have a circuit that measures 6 adc inputs from various voltage readings. I've got 3x4 pcs 7 segment displays and 4 buttons on the circuit. Tim1 is working on 100uS to generate a 100us tick and display scans.the thing is when I left ...
Hi everyone, I started to work with G4 series. Everything was smooth with Nucleo 431RB board until I made a custom pcb withSTM32G473RE. Code is working very well after loading, debug also fine. but when I unplug the stlink and give the circuit a powe...
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