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Hi,I am trying to post an issue and getting "Looks like you don’t have access to create a case. Ask your community manager for access"Can you please give me access.ThanksSharon
Hi,I am using the Nucleo-H743ZI, when trying to printf a buffer I see lots of data missing. Even when just trying to printf a counter I see the same issue, I tried it in Atollic as well as ST_LINK and I get same issue.I saw many issues in the past an...
Hi,I am setting the Nucleo-H743ZI board with STM32 CumbeMX and when trying to compile the code with Atolli I am getting ..\Drivers\CMSIS\DSP\Source\BasicMathFunctions\arm_dot_prod_q7.c:29:22: fatal error: arm_math.h: No such file or directoryI see ot...