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Hello,We are creating a design using the PWD13F60 and have done some testing with the EVALPWD13F60. We are running the gate driver portion at 12VDC, and the motor voltage up to 200VDC, but starting with lower voltages like 24, then 48, etc. We are ru...
I am using an EVALSTDRIVE101 and have it all setup to run my motor no problem. I am using:Motor control workbench v5.Y.3The user guide for the EVALSTDRIVE101 says the equation for the thermistor on the board is: T °C = 45.7 ⋅ VTP19 V + 23.6In Motor c...
Hello, does anyone know the correct procedure to tune the PI parameters for the ST FOC motor control solution?My configuration:ST Motor Control Workbench v5.Y.3ST Motor Pilot V0.9.0 (or 5.Y.3 depending on where you read it)FW Package v1.26.1Not that ...
Hello,I have a 48V motor and would like to evaluate this design using the STEVAL-SPIN3201 which is only rated to 45V.The schematic sort of suggests that if you remove the JP2 jumper you can independently supply VM and VBUS, and VBUS can go to 60 volt...
I am using an IHM07M1 with NUCLEO-F446RE, and a rather large BLDC motor.If I use a 24V supply voltage the ST Motor Profiler 5.Y.1 is able to complete fine, but when I connect my 48V supply the profiler almost immediately fails once I start it, I don'...