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Hi, everyoneI use stm32f429ZI (180MHz)​​The setting contents were attached to the file​Any advice would be appreciated​Best regards,​​​
Hi,I use TouchGFX 4.16, CubeIDE, STM32F429ZI.Screen shake occurs when text is written on the screen and when a slider is selected.In the case of text, it is designed to be written every second.I added a reference to "
Hi,I am using touchGFX4.16.I copied the project folder for backup.When I tried to use touchGFX in the backed up project folder, an attached image warning appeared.1) What does it mean?2) What should I do to get rid of the warning? Best regards,
Hi,I want to do something like this:1) receive button input from touchGFX2) execute operations to be processed3) switch to the previous screen or a specific screen.​​I run it as below, but the same screen appears.void bookScreenOperView::operOKFuncti...
Hi,I am using touchGFX version 4.16.1​setupScreenSAView::setupScreenSAView(){ sliderHigh.setValue((uint16_t)((fanset_h1/2) * 10));}​void setupScreenSAView::sliderMovedSAHigh(int value){  //report to presenter and update text  presenter->userSetSAFanS...