User Activity

Hello everyone,I would really like to use the X-NUCLEO-NFC06A1 expansion board in order to transmit power wireless. I read that it should be able to transmit 1.6W of power. At the moment I used the NFC06A1 available library to power up the board. In ...
Hello everybody,I'm currently using CubeMX + Touchgfx with my Stm32f469i-disco board.Everything works fine, but whenever the board needs to update something that is one first quarter of the screen (e.g updating a text) the whole quarter of the screen...
Hello,I am currently trying to load a very simple TouchGFX (v 4.10.0) project to my STM32F469i-discovery (just a scene with a white background, a text and a button). I created my project using CubeMX (v 5.1.0) and I was able to compile it, the screen...
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