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Posted on January 25, 2014 at 18:41Hi, I'm having a problem about remap timer2 pin.For the circuit board I've designed, I use PA15&PB3 as timer2 ch1&ch2 so I have to remap them and I also use PB10&PB11 as Usart3 Txd and Rxd.Then I found that Usart3 ...
Posted on January 18, 2014 at 11:21Hi, I got this error message after I download my code which have remap pin PA13,14,15(JTAG and SWCLK pin) to use as GPIO and TIM2.Normally I should be able to download new code by get boot pin to high but this time...
Posted on August 18, 2013 at 22:52Hi,i'm working on configure the encoder for quadrature using STM32F1 and have been looking through the code on the forum but only find the code for STM32 F3 and F4, I try to change the code to match for F1 but it do...