2014-01-18 2:21 AM
Hi, I got this error message after I download my code which have remap pin PA13,14,15(JTAG and SWCLK pin) to use as GPIO and TIM2.
Normally I should be able to download new code by get boot pin to high but this time it still get this error even I already get boot pin to high. please help. #stm32-connected2014-01-18 9:28 AM
If the BOOT0 trick doesn't work, you'll need to check things like the NRST/NRESET pin and the state of the supplies.
An alternative sign-of-life test is to use USART1 PA9/PA10 at 9600 8E1 in System Loader (BOOT0=H) mode, sending the 0x7F pattern, and looking for a 0x79 response. RealTerm can send such hex values.