Hi Hilalinam, no, it is not mandatory to use CMSIS_V2, also I prefer to use raw FreeRTOS but, the lwip example I started from use CMSIS so it is easy...Regarding your suggestion, yes, after moving to CMSIS_V1, ping was working but TCP not.... After a...
Someone told me, if you work with a OS you will have two problems, your own problem plus the OS... and for me is totally true... I have the same problem, I compiled with CMSIS_V1 and seems that ping is working, but TCP connection not... I don't want ...
Sure, in this now I'm running with 2 Gb of RAM but I have tested it with 8 Gb with the same results. I'm sharing the two files. Checking the process running, Java takes 99% of the CPU workload but nothing happened.
Hello, I have the same problem running STM32Cube IDE latest version over a VMWare Virtual Machine with Ubuntu 22.04. We I try to create a new project the program is stucking in the License Agreement part, after 10 minutes it let me swith to agree the...