2019-02-20 6:14 AM
Types of sensors: "water leak", "temperature / fire", "gas leak", "PIR" and "AC leakage". The sensor module will connect to the LoRa transceiver (+ MCU): ATSAMR34/R35 (Atmel).
2019-02-20 6:21 AM
> Types of sensors: "water leak", "temperature / fire", "gas leak", "PIR" and "AC leakage".
That does not matter to us.
Of more interest is the interface to the sensor (analog, I2C, SPI, ..), the update rates, and additional performance/power constraints.
2019-02-20 6:37 AM
Thanks AvaTar for a quickly answer.
Since everything is determined by the LoRa network specifications, I think that the battery consumption, the availability of appropriate communication interfaces (I2C, SPI, ...) and rich analog front-end are the determining factors.
2019-02-20 6:59 AM
Maybe I got this wrong.
My idea was, the MCU has the sensors attached, and pushed read sensor values over your LoRa transceiver.
Thus, the MCU must have the interfaces to attach the sensors (type and number), plus adequate performance and power consumption.