Posted on August 19, 2013 at 23:34
Hey guys !
I have a problem with my STM32F100 Board - I'd like to have PC.0 as EXTI_Line_0 and PC.1 as EXTI_Line_1.
Here is my configuration:
EXTI_InitTypeDef EXTI_InitStructure;
Posted on August 08, 2013 at 23:20
Hey guy's !
[I'd like to apologize for my bad englisch]
I think I've made two mistakes in a row...
First, I designed a STM32 Board with the usage of the Pin PA.15 - which is remapped after ...
Posted on August 20, 2013 at 19:45Now I have the same code just with AFIO Clock enabled.Both Interrupts are now working, but each Interrupt opens both IRQ Handlers. It's own first, and then the other one. Do I have something wrong with my board? Res...