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I am trying to configure TIM3 to reset on incoming PWM pulses and call IRQ on overflow, when pulses not coming. The prescaler and ARR are set for 150% of the PWM period. TIM3 in slave reset mode on trigger from CH2 input. MCU is STM32G051F8P.For some...
We are using STM32G051 to measure duty cycle of the actuator PWM signal.TIM1 is configured in slave reset mode, with CH1 direct capture on rising edge and CH2 indirect capture on falling edge. Two DMA channels transfer results into two memory buffers...
I am struggling to establish robust UART communication using HAL. It also seems I am not alone, there were many similar questions here, all closed without an answer. Here are some of them:
I am trying to update STM32CubeL4 package from v 1.14.0 to 1.16.0. Refreshing packages in manager does not show new versions. I downloaded zip from STM site and tried to add it using "From local" button. The integrity check and unpacking went withou...
Somewhere at the end of 2019 the HAL got some RTOF stuff added. Right from the start, it declared HAL_UART_ERROR_RTO, which makes no sense, because RTOF is not an error! And with this start it got processing that pretty much makes using RTOF impossib...