Hi I'm trying to add a left and a right button to a scroll list. so the user can either scroll it, or change it with a button. I checked the ScrollList class and I could not found a function that helps me. Do somebody know how I can do it?Touchgfx 4....
I'm using SW4STM32. with cubeMX 5.4.0 and newly touchGFX 4.10.0Now SW4STM32 throws 2 errors:Description Resource Path Location Typemake: *** No rule to make target 'C:/projectName/TouchGFX/generated/fonts/src/FontGetters.cpp', needed by 'generated/fo...
after adding a second image image2 to Screen1, the SW4STM32 has a compliation errorSymbol 'image2' could not be resolvedIf I delete the image2 every thing workscan you help me?
Hi MartinDo you already have some hooks in touchgfx to solve this issue?Or can you help me to solve this?I'm using:TouchGFX 4.12.3STM32CubeIDE 1.1.0The random init screen appears between the HAL_LTDC_ConfigLayer(&hltdc, &pLayerCfg, 0) function in MX_...
Hi MartinFirst of all I'm working with 4.10.0 and I'm trying to update to 4.12.3. I create the project starting from cubeMX (5.4.0), touchGFX 4.10.0 and SW4STM32I have also the feeling that I see garbage memory.So this could be solved by updating to ...