Hello,is there any way to set the user descriptor string on the USB CDC device?In the HAL library, I found some functions related to descriptor strings, but their type is "get" and I did not find a corresponding "set" functions.
Hi, i am trying to use USB VCP device on STM32F401. Is there a example available for this? Optimally, if it ends with something like the "Hello World" display in the terminal. My goal is to replace FTDI with internal USB in STM.Thanks
Thank you, USBD_PRODUCT_STRING_FS is visible in the Device manager as some parameter (I don't know their english name). This can be usable. Now i must find how it read in the windows app.
We don't understand here. I want to set the descriptor through the program in the STM device and read it with the program in Windows. We use a similar thing in our company with FTDI VCP ICs and I have to replace the external USB VCP IC with the inter...