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Posted on October 06, 2013 at 23:12Hi, I've got a question about using ST-LINK/V2 to program/debug an external application: if onboard st-link can be used only for MCUs from STM32L1 series or from other series too? I'm asking because in UM1079 it is...
Posted on July 26, 2013 at 12:06 Hi, i've got a problem with leaving from standby mode, both by RTC Alarm and WKUP pin. This is my code:int main( void ) { #ifdef DEBUG debug(); #endif prvSetupHardware(); GPIOC->ODR |= (u16)0x0040; PWR_EnterSTANDBY...
Posted on July 23, 2013 at 21:42Hi, I've got some difficulties with wake uC up from stop mode. Firstly I copied example from Std Periph Library for STM32F103: it uses alarm from RTC to wake up. I implemented it and everything was OK. But next - I tr...
Posted on July 23, 2013 at 12:41hi, did anbyody try to implement tickless idle mode from Freertos on STM32? I'm currently working on it, but I can't deal with it. I try to take advantage from tickless demo for SAM4L from FreeRTOS website. I implemen...