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I complie STM32F769I-Discovery 2_Images demo (SBSFU\Projects\STM32F769I-Discovery\Applications\2_Images\2_Images_UserApp\MDK-ARM) with MDK KEIL 3.37.If I link project using default UserApp.sct, the packed image is right, and output.txt show below:blo...
I complie STM32F769I-Discovery 2_Images. the final SBSFU_UserApp image's size is 532kb, It's size will increase to 131,669 kb if ITCM used. I add below code to UserApp.sct ;ITCM 16k ITCMRAM_region 0x00000200 0x00004000 { fw_update_app.o (+RO...
SBSFU work fine on my STM32F767ZI-Nucleo using SBSFU's default MPU configuration. but when I change  sram access to MPU_ACCESS_BUFFERABLE, HardFault occured. How to configure SRAM1 as WBWA?
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