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I'm learning how to make a PCB with an STM32H725IGK6 MCU (UFBGA), which will be used as a flight controller for a drone. This is the first proper attempt I've done at creating a schematic, so I would appreciate it if someone more experienced would be...
I am using an STM32F411, and am attempting to use I2C to communicate with an MPU-6050 (relevant datasheet info attached).I've tried to setup I2C in accordance with the timing requirements on the MPU-6050 datasheet: #define MPU6050_PIN_CL (6) #de...
I am attempting to write software for a "Kakute F7", which is a flight controller with an STM32F745VG on it (the schematic is attached). Some good graphics and a diagram of this can be found here.I keep getting errors when connecting to the MCU over ...
I'm using an STM32F767ZI, and am programming it in C without any additional libraries (bare metal).I believe there is a memory leak somewhere as a memory allocation that typically would work seems to fail after the program has been running for some t...
I am using the ST-LINK which is built onto/attached to the Nucleo-F767ZI in order to connect to the MCU and interact with it.I am trying to use SysTick but am unable to enable interrupts with it. Everything else appears to work as it should.I initial...