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I'm using the nucelo STM32F446RE dev board and attempting to output two ADC channels over UART (technically I think it's USART). I Can see in the debug tab that I'm reading the ADC channels correctly. I had been reading out one channel over UART 2 (t...
My goal: I'm trying to read two ADC pins with 12 bit resolution and output the values through DMA over USART.I can see that the ADC values are being read in the debug tab in STM32CubeMX. I can "talk" over USART to my serial capture program by having ...
I'm new to working with STM32's so if I make any mistakes please let me know. I have the STM32F446RE Nucleo board and I'm trying to read two ADC channels (IN15 on GPIOC_05 and IN14 on GPIOC_04) and output the ADC values over USART 1 channel as fast ...