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Hello, I am interested in using theTSV791/2 for ADC driver and reference buffer purposes.The reference buffer needs to both source AND sink significant amounts of current (mA) and I am interested in the amplifier's transient response.I did not see an...
Here is the code in question:HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc, uint32_t *pData, uint32_t Length) { HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status; #if defined(ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT) uint32_t tmp_multimode_config = LL_ADC_GetMultimode...
I am currently using an STM32G474QE for a motor control application and ran into a possible silicon bug.We have ADC1 and ADC2 configured for dual regular interleaved mode with DMA triggered off TIM1_TRGO2ADC3 and ADC4 configured for dual regular inte...
I was reading this application note which lists maximum clock rates for the ADC on the STM32H7 for the various packages at different resolutions
I am currently working on a motor controller project with the STM32G473RE.I am trying to get more prototype boards made but the STM32G473RE is not in stock anywhere with long lead timeI see that the STM32G474RC has plenty of stock in multiple locatio...