You can see my fix for this above and below this post. It undoes the parameter removal introduced in the new revision. For some reason, ST seems to think removing the ability to report the code location is a 'feature' and doesn't plan to fix it.
We are talking about the elimination of the file and line parameters (which are called with __FILE_ and __LINE__) so you can know where the error occurred. It has nothing to do with the subsequent handling code. That's a different issue. The effect o...
So ST now has made it impossible to output the file and line of the error and this won't be fixed? What's next - generate fully broken code and say it will not be fixed in a future release?This is broken. Code depends on the file and line of the erro...
The fix for this is to add your own _Error_Handler() function to main.c and add macros to main.h:#define GET_MACRO( _0, _1, NAME, ... ) NAME#define Error_Handler(...) GET_MACRO( _0, ##__VA_ARGS__, Error_Handler1, Error_Handler0 )()#define Error_Handl...