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Hi everyone,I have been trying to just test the ethernet on the STM32H743zi nucleo board.The problem is that the example does not compile in any way. I assume it's because I am using the very obscure, not intended for STM32, atollic true studio and t...
Hello,I am trying to port some code from another ARM into the STM32H7.Currently I am going about the bootloader we have.I have just quickly scanned through the application datas and some searches so I am not very into the ST system bootloader. But wh...
Hello. Speaking of more stuff broken with the new update.I tried to update a project for an assignment, just wanted to change some peripheral settings and here comes the warning about downloading new version. Okay then.But now the generator does not ...
From STM32H7 libraries v1.3.2 to v1.4.0 UART_FLAG_RTOF was removed from stm32h7xx_hal_uart.h.Any good reason why?I am just gonna use USART_ISR_RTOF instead but the question is why would you do that? Was it intended?
Hello,I have been tasked recently with porting some code from another microcontroller into the STM32H7. Right now I am taking care of the UART communication and some parts around that. And I would like opinions and advice about some things if possibl...
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