Hi,I would like to provide / route a Timers external Clock Signal to CH1 pin, but only if CH2 is in Active state.So that it acts kinda like a AND Gate.Is this possible? If so, how? Is there a sample somewhere I can have a look at?greetings and ...
I have configured TIM2 to set CH1 to Force Active if x Pulses are reached. That's working fine.Is there are a way to set it to LOW again from code (main loop)?This seems not to work:HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_5, GPIO_PIN_RESET);
Hi,is here a way to toggle a GPIO pin if a timer detects a 300us dead time in a continous/clock signal?If so, how? I would like to use a timer only, so no "individual" coding, just CubeMX configuration.
I also tried to clear those flags, but it doesn't change anything:__HAL_TIM_CLEAR_FLAG(&htim2, TIM_FLAG_CC1);
__HAL_TIM_CLEAR_FLAG(&htim2, TIM_FLAG_CC1OF);greetings,André
Hey, thanks for your answer JW! That *kinda* works.But than it's LOW forever. I would like to set it to LOW, so next time it matches TIM2->CNT it becomes active again. "Force inactive" disables the "Active on match". I don't know how I can achieve th...
Hey Fèlix, did you find any way to do that? I'm looking for exactly the same thing. :) And I don't know how to do it from the answer above.greetings and thanks,André