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Im building some phase shifting control sensing for a Dual Active Bridge.Im using TIMA and TIMD (shown in pictures) in retrigerable single mode, both signals are triggered by sepparate CR from the master timer.
Trying to make a phase shift PWM for a DAB converter, i managed to do this exact functionality with normal TIM1 (Asynchronous mode), but im very very lost with HRTIM. I am able to produce complementary PWM signals for TIMA1 and TIMA2, and TIMB1 TIMB2...
Using stm32G474RE nucleo board and following this guide, i know my way around old "advanced" Timers from stm, im just getting started with HRTIMChanging PER register has effect in the PWM frecuency, but changing CMP1 doesnt do anything :(Im not able ...
to use the canbus Pins from the systembootloader of stm32f429ZI PB13 needs to be disconected from VBUS_FDThere is no jumper or 0R, the pcb pad needs to be physically cut. 
This is my setup, STLINKV3+CubeProgrammer (trough CAN) accesing Systembootloader of stm32f405RGIt doesnt work.Ive tried no Canbus transceiver , digital connection with the onboard diodes from STLINK expansion (blue pcb) and everything works fine. May...