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Hello:  This is weird problem. We have a STM32L496 system that handles multiple I2C devices through its three I2C buses. The I2C#1 (1MHz) has 10 NXP devices, #2 (400kHz) has 4 TI TMP117 chips, and #3 (400kHz) miscellaneous devices including other TI ...
Sorry to delete the message. We are in test of new installation  -WQ
MX generated ADC drivers like this: /** Configure Regular Channel */ LL_ADC_REG_SetSequencerRanks(ADC1, LL_ADC_REG_RANK_1, LL_ADC_PATH_INTERNAL_VREFINT); LL_ADC_SetChannelSamplingTime(ADC1, LL_ADC_PATH_INTERNAL_VREFINT, LL_ADC_SAMPLINGTIME_247...
It is a quick learning project of LL driver programming on NUCLEO-L432KC. First I got a bug in MX configuration. It was fixed by ST: then wen...
Hi, I am trying to get DAC work on Nucleo-L432KC board, DAC 1 is activated, output on Pin PA4, normal mode, output buffer enabled, software trigger, no wave generation, and LL driver. I use LL_DAC_ConvertData12RightAligned or WRITE_REG(DACx->DHR12R1...