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Working on three level t type inverter. We are using two timers to generate 12 pwm signals. Using stm32h743ift6, timer1 and ttimer8 in complementary mode. Requirement: 1)to generate two stage carrier pwm. ​2) timer 1 to run from 2400 to 4800, then 48...
We are trying to sample a 50Hz to 200Hz signal at 50Khz rate, using stm32H7 micro controller, ADC-DMA mode is used. Tried to plot the wave in cube monitor by accessing the corresponding variable. the issue is 50Hz waveform is not reproduced properly,...
In MATLAB Simulink 2020b Software, I saw that support packages are available for STM32 F4, STM32F746G, STM32F769I; But in this document, "", it is mentioned, the following controller...
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