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Hello,I have previously complained about the issues in the latest version of STM32Cube firmware for F7 microprocessors: am not sure whether these obse...
Greetings.I have been using STMCubeMX for SMTF7 processors for quite a while. The function void SystemInit(void) from the file system_stm32f7xx.c generated by older versions of STMCubeMX used to contain the following code:void SystemInit(void) { /*...
Howdy,As the title suggests, I seem to be having some issues with FreeRTOS if I try to use a timer as the timebase source. The processor that I am using is STM32F745VET, but the MWE that I will try to describe should work on any system.The SMT32CubeM...
After a few somewhat fruitless attempts to run Ethernet error-free on the H7 development board, I have decided to switch back to the somewhat more established F7 series (which I am a bit more familiar with). Nonetheless, I am still experiencing some ...
Hello,I seem to be having some problems with the code generated via STM32CubeMX on the NUCLEO-H743ZI development board. I want to configure it to run on LwIP/RAW API. I can create such a configuration for its close relative: the NUCLEO F767ZI develop...
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