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If the spreading factor is set to 9, messages get through. As I increase it to 10 or 11, I start to get the OnTxTimeout error. The payload I'm sending is similar to this lCrTHfXrQdM7M6ZoFrmwMxHacVtZcoBxvSvve0Pi5awSYtk=I need to increase the spreading...
The Murata module connects to another MCU which has bluetooth. I want the update to go over bluetooth and write it to the module with AT commands.
I'm using a STWD100NPWY3F watchdog timer, and I can't get it working according to the datasheet. I have the following connections:VCC: 3.3VGND: GNDEN: GNDWDO: 10K pull up to VCCWDI: pull down to GND and toggled to VCCWDO stays low and keeps the MCU i...