Hi,when I generate a example for the STM32F407ZET everything is fine, until I check the option freeRTOSAfter this the includes are not correct anymore:STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.24.1VS + VGDB
Hello! I can not extract files from the archive en.stm32-mat_target.zip (STM32 embedded target for MATLAB and Simulink (RN0087)), which I downloaded from your site. Tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Files are added automatically, but I created a new project and added files manually, there is a description of functions in the header file of the freertos and it is connected to the compiler, but the compiler does not find the freertos function. Bel...
Hi, help me please with this problem. In the previous post I posted a video compilation of the project. If it's not convenient for you to download from the cloud, I can put it on YouTube
If I disable the frertos cube, the project is compiled. If I turn on the freertos again, the project is not compiled.I videotaped a project compilation.https://drive.google.com/open?id=1tYIXRKeZ5p_72ZSasvTS6WnIQx09Qxbdhttps://drive.google.com/open?id...