hello sir, now i'm able to get the values of IRMS and VRMS when i execute the program individually inside the while loop.the problem here i face is when i try to get the values of IRMS and VRMS together , inside the while loop i get the correct readi...
I read the data sheet before ,but i didn't understand what output i will get in DIEREV and CHECKSUM cause its undefined.I checked my circuit with SPI connection,its working fine as im getting 2.4V in VREF pin in ADE7753.I used CRO to check my signals...
i missed 1line of code i.e HAL_SPI_Transmit(& hspi1,®_r,1,1); //transmit 0x00 for read operation HAL_Delay(5); // 5milli second delayThis line of code I wrote just below after sending the address...